GP Training


Our practice has been established as a training practice for many years and is committed to education and training of many health care professionals including doctors and medical students.  Each year we have one or two GP registrars (a fully qualified doctor with at least three years’ hospital experience) working with us.  Registrars work under supervision in general practice for one year before starting out on their own.

MEDICAL STUDENTS-  Birmingham University Medical School

We also teach undergraduate medical students from University of Birmingham.  You may be asked if you are willing to see one of the medical students on occasions to discuss your condition or they may sit in on your consultation with the doctor.  You will be informed beforehand if a student is sitting-in, if you agree, you will be asked to sign a consent form.


As a training aid, doctors use videotape consultations to assess their performance.  You may be asked if it is acceptable to you that your consultation is videotaped.  If you agree you will be asked to sign a consent form.  If you are not happy about being videoed ask for the camera to be switched off at any time.  Physical examinations will be performed off camera, although the sound recording will remain on.  The tapes are used for training purposes only.  Confidentiality is always maintained; the videotapes are stored in a secure place and erased after viewing